zaterdag 1 december 2012

Blue tit

Blue Tits are often one of the most frequent visitors to the bird garden. As they are such a common sight, they can often be overlooked, but look closely and you’ll see a beautifully colourful bird with its bold blue cap, yellow belly and green and blue back. These incredibly agile birds are rewarding to watch and as they are very adaptable, they are usually the quickest to exploit any new food source, quickly learning to use any new feeder

Description: Common in gardens, most of us are familiar with the site of this small tit. Smaller than the similar Great Tit it can be distinguished by the bright blue cap and bold black eye-stripe bordered by white cheeks. The wings and tail are also bright blue and underparts are yellow, with a faint black stripe on the belly. The female is very similar, though slightly paler than the male. Juveniles are duller with yellow cheeks and greener upperparts and crown.

Nesting: Blue tits will nest in any small holes making them common occupants of nest boxes. The nest can be constructed from all manner of material and they will readily utilise wool and downy material put out for them. Blue tits lay large clutches of eggs, typically 10-12, but up to 16 have been recorded. The red-speckled white eggs laid from around mid-April are incubated for 13-15 days. The young fledge after around 16-22 days.

Feeding: Insects, caterpillars, seeds and nuts are common foods of this acrobatic tit. They will also take advantage of fruit and even take nectar from garden plants. With their incredible agility and ability to learn from others they are quick to exploit new food sources, making them a common and often bold visitor to bird feeders. [source:]

Thank you very much Mauri!

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